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Supplements like Green sand and Oyster shell are important to include in your hermit crabs diet. You can leave supplements out in the crabitat at all times.
Some of the benefits of adding Greensand and Oyster Shell to your hermit crabs terrarium includes:
Calcium Enrichment: Oyster shell is an excellent source of calcium, which is essential for hermit crabs to maintain healthy exoskeletons. Adequate calcium intake prevents deformities and promotes proper molting, ensuring the overall well-being of your hermit crabs.
Mineral Balance: Greensand contains a range of trace minerals and elements like potassium, iron, and magnesium. These minerals help maintain a balanced environment in the enclosure and contribute to the hermit crabs' overall health and vitality.
Digestive Health: Both greensand and oyster shell can contribute to a balanced pH level within the hermit crab's digestive system. This balance is crucial for efficient digestion, nutrient absorption, and overall digestive health.
Natural Dietary Variety: Including greensand and oyster shell in the enclosure provides hermit crabs with a natural dietary variety that mimics their habitat in the wild. A varied diet can contribute to their overall health and well-being.
While these additions can be beneficial, it's essential to provide them in moderation and alongside a diverse diet that includes other essential nutrients. Proper care and nutrition are key to ensuring your hermit crabs thrive in their enclosure.